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New York Bookcases | Cabinets | Sideboards | TV Units

The New York Range is a luxurious line of handcrafted furniture that will add style and class to any room. These bookcases, display cabinets or sideboards come in many different sizes so you're sure find something for your needs! The solid brass handles provide an extra touch elegance while finishing off these beautiful pieces with wax polish gives them the perfect shine - readymade beauties just waiting patiently on completion by our skilled workers who have labored long hours into this production process only because they truly care about delivering top notch quality at affordable prices without sacrificing anything but excellence itself. These pieces will be delivered fully assembled so you can enjoy their stylish design without worrying about minor construction tasks like installing legs or shelves onto bookcases

New York Bookcases | Cabinets | Sideboards | TV Units

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